Each time people say "May I be able to borrow some or your cards for business?" you ought to be thrilled. I know I am. This is because I love my cards. I invested thousands of dollars in printing, and spent hours designing, and tried 10 different designs until I found the perfect one.

It was worth it.

An entrepreneur's business card can be his most trusted companion, the most important marketing tool, and an essential aspect to making your business unforgettable. However, many are carrying business cards that are a part of the plethora of cookie cutters. It's a shame since a business card is much more effective than you imagine. Further more, Business Card Printing Dubai presents to you all leading factors that make your business cards stand out.

16 Attractive ways to make your Business Cards memorable

It's not possible to be sure until you have an account that's very good. So, this article will discuss the four POINTERs of Unforgettable Cards for Business: Cards:

1. Stashing Up

2. Standing Out

3. Creative Enhancement

4. Implementation

POINTER 1 How Does Your Card Compare Up?

Recall the last event, trade show or seminar, convention, social hour, or meeting of the association you went to. What was the reaction of people to the business cards you had? Did they like the style? Put it in their pockets? Do you show it to another person? Do you tear it up?

Whatever the outcome the card's impact was kind of impression. However, only the most innovative distinctive and unique business cards can make lasting impressions. These kinds of cards provoke reactions similar to...

 “I gave your card to everyone at work!" is the message of a hot prospect.

 “Can I get another? My friend will love this!" exclaims your tablemate.

 “Oooh! I'd like one!" Begs the person who is watching over your shoulder.

 “Hey...can you give to my buddy Paul his business card?" Asks a friend of yours.

“You know I've never put your card to the trash!" One customer.

If you've heard an empathetic comment like that previously, congratulations! It's a good path.

It is a nod to Gus. He and I were seated close to one another at an event for sales years back. The host asked the attendees to swap cards and get acquainted with one another. Gus's card was stunning it was thick, vibrant and double-sided. It was bold shining and most of all, easy. (That isn't a surprise since the guy was working in advertising!) However, it was among the most impressive I've ever witnessed. We met up to each other, exchanged cards and chatted for a short time. Then we went on to the next thing. A nice guy it seemed to me.

Here's the best part: even though Gus and I did not stay in touch, I've never thrown his card to the trash. I show it to anyone who asks! Actually, I make it a prop for my networking seminars! The card was that excellent.

Does yours look as good? Make sure to keep that thought in your head as you read. We'll move on to the next section, and learn the reasons why some cards are recognizable above others.

POINTER #2 3: Standing Out

Recently, I went through the 66 business cards I've accumulated over the years and laid them out on the table. I shut my eyes for about 30 seconds, then opened them up and noted the cards that stand out in the highest. Here's what I observed:

Red each card with featured red stood out.

Image: only a few cards featured images of the person who was holding them. They did not just make them stand out but made it easier to connect faces to names and businesses.

Vertical Certain cards are created vertically, which attracted my attention.

Dark Background Most cards come with backgrounds that are white, therefore the black cards really stood out.

Images: cards that have some kind of vivid image that covered at least one-fourth from the entire surface caught my eye.


16 Attractive ways to make your Business Cards memorable

This was an excellent exercise to learn about UNFORGETTABLE business cards. I would recommend it to anyone. Do it! Collect a plethora of cards from your desk, and see the ones that make a statement. Remember to place your OWN card into the pile. You'll be amazed by the results.

Or don't see.

POINTER #3 Unique and Innovative Ways to Enhance Your Card

After having analyzed your card and had the opportunity to see a vast amount of other cards your brain should be flooded with fresh and innovative ideas. This is the best opportunity to come up with ways to improve your card. So, get an unfinished piece of paper. Create as many ideas as you can. Let your imagination run wild! For help getting going, here's a list of 16 ideas that will ensure your business card is memorable:

1. Shape or Size Form or Size - Rectangle and Schmectangle. I've seen circles, squares or ovals, as well as triangles. Each of the shapes made a strong relationship to the branding and each stood out in the endless repetition of regular rectangles.

2. Chocolate Business Cards (yes they exist!) Many companies offer catalogs online for customized chocolate cards. Expensive? Yes. Delicious? Probably. Memorable? You better believe it.

3. Trade Cards: If your business is team-oriented, purchase trading cards featuring your "players" photos and statistics. Encourage your customers and potential customers to "collect all 12!"

4. Cartoons - Have a custom cartoon designed to be used on the back of the card. It's affordable, royalty free and completely exclusive to your company.

5. Table/Chart: Include the mortgage interest table or other awe-inspiring data in the rear. These are useful notes for those struggling with math and can be effective in establishing yourself as a source.

6. Pop-Ups: Just like children's books, commercial cards are printed in folded cards that pop up. It's time to think three-dimensionally!

7. Credibility - The cleverest thing I've ever done with the business cards I had was to to include pictures in color of my books. Instant credibility. Also I noticed an instant shift in the reaction of those to whom I presented cards. One woman even said, "Scott, this is the most amazing business card I've seen!" A good investment.

8. Rubber Stamps – Purchase 10 different rubber stamps with your own design to use on card backs. If someone wants one, simply say "Pick an item, every card!"

9. Die Cutting - My friend Lisa is employed by The Rock Island Fire Dept. Her business card features an charred hole cut in the middle of each card! It appears to be real. Many printers provide this feature for a minimal experience. It is also possible to specify different forms, bite marks, or holes.

10. Recipes - If you work in an area that involves kitchens, food or homes; you can include one of your most-loved recipes in the back of your card!

11. Material - Choose braille, leather, or blinking business cards (yes there are actually these as well!)

12. The language you speak if your enterprise involves international travel think about having multiple languages available or print an alphabetic spelling for a difficult-to pronounce name.

13. Motivational - If you're a one who inspires others, make sure to include a famous quote, bible verse , or film line that is connected the brand to its image. Make sure you say it out loud when you hand someone your card. It could be a great way to brighten their day!

14. Stickers Print the reverse of your cards on label paper. This will give the recipient an easy to remove sticker to remind them of appointments, reminders or numbers for phone calls.

15. Non-Cards - Who said cards have to be one? The first rule of creative thinking is to "break every rule!" I've seen billion dollar bill cards as well as coin cards. There's even a banker from Boston who has business cards that actually are miniature checks that he tears out of a pad every time he distributes one! The possibilities are infinite.

16. Double Up Double Up - Make your card "double" in a different way than just a card. It can be used, for instance, in the capacity of a corporate card and the nametag. This is why people wear them on their clothing all time. Thanks for the promotional offer!

4. POINTER 4: Implementation

After you've come up with the design of your unique, innovative, and unforgettable business card, there's only two steps left print them and distribute them!

When you are preparing to go to your printer, be aware of some guidelines:

It's okay to spend money When I completed my tax returns this year, I estimated that I printed my business cards eleven times, and spent nearly $1,400 for printing. I also increased my earnings by a third from last year. Again, money is well spent.

16 Attractive ways to make your Business Cards memorable

Local is better If you choose local printing, you will be able to collaborate closely with the designers, you can feel, touch and smell your paper . You can perhaps even run several tests until you have the card that is perfect. Many businesspeople prefer using websites and that's good. The only issue with this strategy is that the majority of the cards created, designed and purchased over the Internet appear as if they were made, designed and purchased on the Internet.

Okay. After you've got the cards you want to play and you are ready to play, there are a few guidelines in mind:

Reminders Be sure to inform people that you have an upgraded card. They'll be glad to accept it even if they already have the old card. It should highlight some of its most recent characteristics, which are unique. If you printed both sides of your card, make sure to let people know about the back of the card, or give them the card with the reverse side facing up so that they'll know there's a different side to it.

Etiquette Don't "Deal with the deck" by recklessly handing out hundreds of your cards at anyone who is in your vicinity. If you do this, you'll not only become a proponent of highly unprofessional Networking(TM) and are wasting your money. Keep in mind that people discard business cards of those who have failed to build connections or establish rapport.

When you've lifted the business card that was being unattractive to memorable, I guarantee you'll feel amazing. Your confidence will soar. From that point to the day that someone asks you "May I be able to borrow some of your cards for business?" it will sound like listening to music.